Oculine is now available!
Order Nowhandheld ultrasound liberated
This works great for peripheral IVs and even for central lines. Also works well for PENGs and fascia Iliaca blocks

The design is really great. It has all the range of motion we need in practice.

This is so cool!

Why didn’t I think of this? I just bought two for our department.

Wow, the screen is right there!

This is why I haven’t been able to use my Butterfly!

About Us
Ultrasound-guided procedures have quickly become the standard in medicine. From peripheral IVs to ultrasound-guided nerve blocks, target visualization allows for improved success and reduction in error. With the explosive growth of handheld ultrasound systems into clinical care, more clinicians will be using this imaging to improve patient care.
OcuLine takes the screen out of your hand and attaches it directly to the ultrasound probe, allowing you the freedom to use your dominant hand to perform the procedure. No need to place the screen on the patient, bed or a make shift stand. This revolutionary, patent-pending, device allows for ease of use, multiple screen positioning and works around you to ensure clear visualization of your target.